
The Story Of My Wonderland – Chapter 1

I guess every man’s inside live in a very own boy. No matter how time fly, the boyish heart always comes along. So it shall explain why I build such wonderland.

Theme:【Power Pens】

These pens were the surprise I encountered on the street long time ago. It was way earlier than the movie “Transformer”. However, the creative idea is as fun as the movie. Never know which brand was and where they from, but one thing for sure, they were so interesting to catch my eyes tightly.

The 1st star is called 『Rim Shot』. It is a regular pen in normal condition. However, after the transformation, SURPRISE ! Here is a mini basketball court.

The 2nd one is called 『Torpedo Blaster』. A regular pen in one side, and the other side is a blaster which can launch foamed plastic torpedo.

The 3rd one is『Radical Racer』. The roadster front wheels are hidden in the belly. The car could accelerate by dragging wheels backward on the ground.

Next is『Jet Flyer』. There is a plastic glider hidden in the top of the pen. After setting on the track, the jet is ready to take off to the space. Hello, E.T!

The No.5 is 『Water Shot』, which means water pistol. Who would expect being sprayed over in office by such naughty pen!

The coming one is 『Air Attack』. The plastic propeller is hidden in the top. Just pull the cover of pen, and u will recall all those good old days on childhood.

Last but not least. The pen is called『Upper Cut』. And boxers are ready to fight. Guess which one will be the final champion?

The pic on the top is from
Art Zealot Blog




常在消費昂貴的台北東區出沒的人,對於民生問題應該都有同樣煩惱,那就是很難找到『平價』又『好吃』的餐廳。因為兩項期望,通常只能滿足其一。當初,會知道這家隱匿在此區巷弄的好餐館,就是因為看到蘋果日報的美食報導。於是,抱著嚐鮮的心態,特地找了天專程去試菜。 這家命名為 【1976】 的道地港式茶餐廳,裝潢明亮現代、用色簡潔。很難讓人會聯想到,它的前身竟然是那家經營三十幾年老字號,位於仁愛路4段的 【香港廣東粥粉麵飯點心專家】 。

毒舌馬不負責影評室---孔子:決戰春秋 (Confucius)


