
What A Surprising Night

FRI night. The time for city lonely hearts hang out for fun. I, in stead, enjoyed grocery shopping at supermarket. Thanks for the idea of 24 hours biz model. It has accommodated all single cocooner’s need.

After paid and be ready to be my way, a woman came in the door and completely caught my eyes. Not because her beauty, but her style. She had all of my attention by having many stunning colors from head to toes. Not to mention, the purple legging dressed by little bunny socks on red shoes.

My goodness! She can’t be real. All I had seen someone like that was in Hollywood movie but not in real life. Now, there she was!

All of sudden, I realized that who really is behind that makeup when I looked into her eyes. “She” is a 100% of drag queen.

He might have been aware that people had discovered the truth. In stead of running away, he faced all judgmental look from others, and walked into the store with his head up. I couldn’t help to admire his courage on acknowledging who he is, which most of us might not be able to do so.

Good luck, pal.

Returned home and enjoyed weekend movie at night. I glimpsed at one TVC just flashed over, but then it stayed in my mind for long long time. It is the adv of 白蘭氏蜆精 which declare the importance of health about our livers. The film is in personification by having one guy playing the role of liver, taking all life’s pressure for his body silently without any complain.

I guess this film recruited a twin to play the liver and the body accordingly. Despite of the actors are amateurs, but they did so damn good job on communicating with eyes.
When they two hug each other in film, I was touched indeed. Well, maybe it was because the guy has the killer’s eyes.

What a surprising night!

『白蘭氏蜆精』廣告 --- 阿肝正傳篇




常在消費昂貴的台北東區出沒的人,對於民生問題應該都有同樣煩惱,那就是很難找到『平價』又『好吃』的餐廳。因為兩項期望,通常只能滿足其一。當初,會知道這家隱匿在此區巷弄的好餐館,就是因為看到蘋果日報的美食報導。於是,抱著嚐鮮的心態,特地找了天專程去試菜。 這家命名為 【1976】 的道地港式茶餐廳,裝潢明亮現代、用色簡潔。很難讓人會聯想到,它的前身竟然是那家經營三十幾年老字號,位於仁愛路4段的 【香港廣東粥粉麵飯點心專家】 。

毒舌馬不負責影評室---孔子:決戰春秋 (Confucius)


