
Pony baby, I am always here with you

You sit and wiped in the wood alone.

“ What happened? my dear pony. “

You raised head up with tears sparkled in eyes.

「I pushed my best friend out of my world. He has been my soul mate and mentor in life. But now, I turn my back to him.」

“ Why? Did he treat you something bad? “

A grief flashed by your face silently. No words between us for awhile when you looked at the distant.

「Never he will. He is the one I fully trust and always rely on. I am truly blessed to have such friend in life.」

「But I just found out he has been in another world secretly, a world so called “WONDERLAND” by the tribe.」

「He is a smart man who should tell true happiness won’t exist in mirage. Besides, there is expensive price to pay, and the price is his health. To watch him killing himself unconsciously is tearing my heart!」

I look at your eyes, searching the deepest fear hiding in your mind.

“Silly pony, we all have right to choose our own life. If that is what he want, respect his choice. He is your best friend, and still will be. You don’t want to push him away just because he was on the way you didn’t approve, do you? “

You look back softly but sadly. Something telling me you knew well in mind.

「I just don’t want to be lonely again……」。Tears falling off your face, and finally, you confess true fear from heart.

Dear pony, you would never be alone. No matter where you are. I am always here with you. Hold your faith, and you will fly high to shine in warm again.




常在消費昂貴的台北東區出沒的人,對於民生問題應該都有同樣煩惱,那就是很難找到『平價』又『好吃』的餐廳。因為兩項期望,通常只能滿足其一。當初,會知道這家隱匿在此區巷弄的好餐館,就是因為看到蘋果日報的美食報導。於是,抱著嚐鮮的心態,特地找了天專程去試菜。 這家命名為 【1976】 的道地港式茶餐廳,裝潢明亮現代、用色簡潔。很難讓人會聯想到,它的前身竟然是那家經營三十幾年老字號,位於仁愛路4段的 【香港廣東粥粉麵飯點心專家】 。

遊戲廚房(親子料理篇)--- 四神養生排骨湯



過去在台北當寄居蟹的時候,曾在靠近台北醫學院的吳興街租住過幾年的時光。這條不知是不是台北最長的一條街,由於北醫眾多學生的滋養,孕育了相當多的餐館小攤等美食。像眾所皆知的牛肉麵名店之一『穆記』,就位於北醫對門。 公爵則本著發掘明日之星的宏願,努力於大街小巷中找尋無名美味,冒著吃肥又耗財的風險,勇於以身親嘗眾家招牌美食。既然北醫此區名店濟濟,這次就先推出此區美食報報第一砲。